
Valtra Fleet at Dunlossit Estate

For a large Scottish Estate in a remote island location, seven Valtra tractors are providing the reliability and working efficiency needed and are popular with those using them in a wide variety of applications.

The family owned Dunlossit Estate is on Islay - in the Inner Hebrides. Most of the estate’s 7,500ha is grassland and forest, although a small acreage of barley is grown for distilling whisky – a product for which the island is renowned worldwide. Three main farms are individually managed, and the estate’s livestock includes pedigree Highland Cattle as well as commercial breeds which are predominantly Limousin, all with High Health status. There are also 1,500 breeding ewes which are a mix of native and commercial breeds.

The 7,500ha Dunlossit Estate, remotely located on the Isle of Islay, relies on a fleet of seven Valtra G-, N- and T-series tractors supplied and looked after by R&R Machinery, part of the Hamilton Ross Group for its farming, environmental and forestry enterprises.

Additional enterprises include a commercial limestone quarry and a forestry division producing woodchip biomass for heating homes and businesses including a hospital and schools. Investment in forestry plantations and peatland restoration help maintain a balance between the estate’s commercial farming activities and protecting the environment.

When woodchip production started in 2016, a Valtra T154 was purchased to power the new chipper. “It was our first Valtra, so everyone was keen to try it,” explained Estate Manager, David Gillies. “The reliability was excellent, and as other tractors were updated then their users requested Valtras too. Our current fleet of seven main tractors comprises G, N, and T Series models.”

Alan and Jeannie Hogg use a G125 Hi Tech with a Valtra front loader to manage a herd of pedigree Highland Cattle on rough, mountainous terrain. They praise the excellent comfort and ease of use, and its stability which is essential for handling 1,000 round silage bales per year on the uneven ground.

Since changing to an all-Valtra fleet, the tractors have impressed with their versatility. “One of our N Series tractors feeds silage to indoor cattle, hauls and applies slurry, transports draff from the distillery for livestock feed, cuts and prepares grass for silage and does the arable field work around the barley crop, but then it occasionally hauls stone from the quarry too. Valtras can do that,” stressed David.

The remote location means reliable tractors are essential, but dealer back-up is just as important. “We are well looked after by R&R Machinery, part of the Hamilton Ross Group,” confirmed David. “When tractors are due for updating then we discuss the use and agree a suitable specification with Valtra Brand Manager, Brian Hamilton. We listen to the operators too. The cabs are their offices, and they often spend more time in them than in their own homes.”

An extended warranty and service package is purchased. “The excellent reliability means we probably wouldn’t bother with an extended warranty if we were on the mainland but, based on a rock in the Atlantic, the fixed costs of ownership are reassuring. Valtra tractors do everything we need them to in an extremely harsh, salt-soaked environment, but they give us very few problems. Why would we change?” he concluded.

Stockman, John Morris uses an N135 HiTech to look after a herd of commercial beef cattle and a large flock of sheep. Tasks include feeding silage, mucking out, loading and handling straw and hauling draff from the island’s distilleries for use as feed. John is pictured with his daughter, Lauren, who is completing her farming apprenticeship on the estate.

Two Valtras are used by the forestry team to produce woodchip biomass, used for power and heat production. For loading softwood and operating the chipper, the Valtra’s rotating seats are a significant advantage.